This page will give you the information you need to setup this resource.
Make sure you read everything carefull when installing this resource.
Polyzone by mkafrin qb-core by qbcore-framework qb-target by qbcore-framework or ox_target by Overextended qb-menu by qbcore-framework or ox_lib's context menu by Overextended ps-ui by Project-Sloth (optional) tasks by thommie (optional)
How to install
Download and unzip the
Add "ensure thommie-weapondealer" to your server.cfg
(re)start your server and you are done.
How to add new locations
You can create new locations for the vehicle to spawn very easy, you go to your config.lua and you will search for Config.Locations (line 25 by default). Now you can follow the template we have made and change the values. (To have the perfect timing with the waits you need to test some values)
Locations Template:
How to add new weapon loadouts
You can create new weapon loadouts by going to the config.lua and search for Config.Weapons (line 48 by default). Now you can follow the template we have made and change the values to what you want.
Weapons Template:
Last updated